Raevyn has been gardening since she was a child, and has been farming for 15 years. Her training in, and love of, art gives her an excellent design sense, while her education gives her a strong foundation in plant and ecosystem health.
Her love of plants, animals, and the whole natural world inform everything she does, and drives her passion for helping people connect with their land and gardens.
She lives on her small organic farm, nestled in the woods, just outside of Portland, Oregon – with dogs, cats, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks and whatever other creatures pass through.

Education & Experience:
Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts, California College of the Arts
Associates Degree in Landscape Design and Landscape Technology, Portland Community College
Permaculture Design Certificate Neighborhood Tree Liaison, Multnomah County
Completed the year-long Beginning Urban Farmers Apprenticeship, OSU Extension
Master Gardener, OSU Extension